
Ferreiro (Alberto)

  • s. xx–xxi
  • (agents)
Ferreiro, Alberto, Simon Magus in patristic, medieval and early modern traditions, Studies in the History of Christian Traditions Series, 125, Leiden: Brill, 2005. xii + 372 pp.  
The volume discusses the post-New Testament Simon Magus from the era of the Church Fathers beginning with Justin Martyr to the early modern era represented in a seventeenth century Baroque relief in the Cathedral of Oviedo, Spain. Sources consulted are artistic, theological texts, historical chronicles, sermons, hagiographies, vernacular literatures, biblical commentaries, and heresiologies. ...
(source: Brill)
Ferreiro, Alberto, “Simon Magus and Simon Peter in medieval Irish and English legends”, in: Alberto Ferreiro, Simon Magus in patristic, medieval and early modern traditions, 125, Leiden: Brill, 2005. 201–220.
Ferreiro, Alberto, “Simon Magus: the patristic-medieval traditions and historiography”, Apocrypha: International Journal of Apocryphal Literatures 7 (1996): 147–166.  
Simon Magus, who is known from the Acts of the Apostles (8 :9-24), the Actus Petri cum Simone (Acts of Peter), and the Passio Sanctorum Apostolorum Petri et Pauli (passio), was used metaphorically and typologically by the Church to censure immoral behavior; doctrinal heresy, and magic and witchcraft. We also witness from the Early Christian era to the end of the Middle Ages the emergence of traditions about Simon Magus that are primarily based upon canonical and apocryphal texts and those that are wholly independent of these sources. The intent of this article is to provide an overview of the traditions, the research done up to now, and the work that remains to be carried out on Simon Magus.
Ferreiro, Alberto, “Saint Martin of Braga and Germanic languages: an addendum to recent research”, Peritia 6–7 (1987–1988): 298–306.


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